Project Delivery Analysis
Bramcon works with the project owner to explore and recommend the most appropriate delivery alternative (contracting strategy) by:
Determining the means by which the project will be financed.
Identifying the major procurement packages.
Identifying the optimum way to package all components of the project to meet the owner's objectives.
Investigating alternative delivery methods and recommending the best project delivery method considering the owner's capabilities and project delivery experience.
Completed Projects
Organizational Analysis
When the scope and delivery method are defined, Bramcon works with the project owner to define the appropriate project organization and staff are assembled for project success by:
Conducting an organizational analysis to get the right people in an appropriate organizational structure.
Selecting and recommending the staff to suit project needs.
Completed Projects
Oversight and Owner's Representative
Bramcon works with
and represents the project owner and/or financing agency throughout the development
and implementation of the project by:
- Planning the complete project
from Concept through Definition and Implementation to Close-out.
- Performing periodic performance
reviews by the team recruited to implement the project.
- Making recommendations for
changes/improvements where necessary.
- Representing the owner's
interest with applicable agencies, contractors and consultants.
Completed Projects