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Roberts Bank Rail Corridor 232nd Street Overpass, Langley, BC

Description of Project
Two-line overpass taking an arterial road over CP rail tracks.

Description of Services
Bramcon initially acted as Project Manager for CP Rail for the development phase and subsequently as Project Director for Port Metro Vancouver to deliver this $25 Million overpass which utilized the Early Contractor Involvement method of selecting the design/build contractor.

New Aircraft Maintenance Hangar for Cascade Aerospace Ltd., Abbotsford BC

Description of Project
Construction of a new $50 million overhaul and maintenance hangar for Cascade Aerospace Ltd. (formerly Conair) at the Abbotsford, BC airport. This 250,000 square foot facility can service 8 - 737s, simultaneously.

Description of Services
Bramcon placed a full-time representative on site and provided monthly oversight reports to the corporate executives on the final completion date and costs.

What they said
"We are delighted with the results and are very proud to show it off to our customers and potential customers. We extend our sincere gratitude to everyone in your organization who was involved in its construction." - Barry Marsden, Chairman and CEO, Cascade Aerospace

Vancouver International Airport Connector for BC Ministry of Transportation, Vancouver BC

Description of Project
Design/Build delivery of a $40 million bridge and interchange connecting Vancouver International Airport to Highway 99, Richmond, BC.

Description of Services
Bramcon acted as Owner’s Representative for the Province of British Columbia to oversee the Airport Authority's responsibilities in the delivery of the project. The project was successfully completed in 2001.

Vancouver Island Highway Upgrade for BC Transportation Financing Authority, Vancouver BC

Description of Project
A $1.2 billion upgrading of the Vancouver Island Highway from Pat Bay to Campbell River on Vancouver Island, BC.

Description of Services
Bramcon provided the Owner’s Representative for the BC Transportation Financing Authority overseeing the delivery of the project by the BC Ministry of Transportation.

Greenfield Kraft Pulpmill for Alberta-Pacific Forest Industries Ltd., Athabaska AB

Description of Project
Construction of a $1 billion greenfield bleached kraft pulpmill with large non-recourse financing.

Description of Services
Bramcon's involvement commenced as a member of the engineering team retained by the lead bank to review the feasibility study prepared by another consulting firm. Subsequently Bramcon joined the Owner team as Project Manager, Vancouver, responsible for design of the fibre line and power "islands". Scope included constructability reviews, cost reviews, design management and contract claim resolution as well as liaison with the Banker's Engineer.

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