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Greater Vancouver Regional District - Secondary Sewage Treatment Plant

Description of Project
Construction of a $650 million secondary sewage treatment plant for Greater Vancouver, BC.

Description of Services
Bramcon undertook an organization analysis to examine the options for integrating one very large project into an organization that historically did numerous small projects. This required looking at the ability of the organization to absorb the very large project into their existing organization or the creation of a separate major projects group.

Meadow Lake OSB Plant for Tolko Industries Ltd., Vernon BC

Description of Project
Development of a $200 million greenfield OSB (Oriented Strand Board) plant at Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan.

Description of Services

Bramcon worked with the staff of Tolko Industries Ltd. to plan and execute the Definition Phase (process development, site selection, and environmental approval) for a plant designed to produce 600 million square feet per year of 3/8 inch panels. Scope included project delivery analysis and organization analysis. Phase culminated with the issue of a comprehensive Project Definition Report. The project proceeded to construction and started up in August 2003.

Greenfield OSB Plant for Tolko Industries Ltd., Vernon BC

Description of Project
Development phase of a greenfield OSB plant at Kenora, Ontario.

Description of Services
Bramcon worked with Tolko Industries Ltd. to undertake a project delivery and organization analysis for the Kenora OSB by surveying the previous four plants' projects for organization structure and project performance. This project did not proceed to construction.

Sawmill Rebuild Project for Tolko Industries Ltd., Vernon BC

Description of Project
Development phase of a $70 million sawmill rebuild at The Pas, Manitoba.

Description of Services
Bramcon worked with Tolko Industries Ltd. to undertake a project delivery and organization analysis for The Pas sawmill rebuild. This sawmill rebuild project was successfully completed in 2000.

Bio Energy Effluent Project for Millar Western Ltd., Whitecourt AB

Description of Project
Development Phase of a $40 million green energy project.

Description of Services
Bramcon worked with Millar Western in an organization analysis of owner and EPC contractor teams.

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